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Get to know a little bit about this family of adventurers.





Susan Sontag

On our first New Year's Eve together, back in 2006, we could see that we shared a love of hiking. The hike from Palmas beach to Ganchos beach in Governador Celso Ramos provided us with incredible scenery.


When the children arrived, we started taking them along as soon as possible and they were able to develop a taste for this activity too.


Nowadays, Sunday is a day for hiking, children in nature, so we decided to gather the information we have and share it with those who also like it, but aren't excited about starting. Let's hike?




The zealous one. She takes care of everyone with great determination. She protects everyone from the dangers of the trails, especially helping her younger siblings.



  • Sixteen years old;

  • Winner of the Florianópolis photo marathon in 2014;

  • Student;

  • Junior Firefighter Course - at the Santa Catarina Military Fire Brigade.

  • Course on toxic accidents with venomous animals - CIT-UFRGS.

São Bonifácio




Erick is usually the trailblazer. He likes to lead the way, showing us the best routes. Passionate about animals, he loves looking for them on the trails.



  • Fifteen years old;

  • Winner of the Florianópolis photo marathon in 2016 and 2023;

  • Student;

  • Junior Firefighter Course - at the Santa Catarina Military Fire Brigade;

  • Course on toxic accidents with venomous animals - CIT-UFRGS.





The youngest. Very independent, for a long time she took turns walking and carried in a backpack, but now she's walking on her own two legs.



  • Eight years old;

  • Student.

Claudia Roberta



Mother. Adventurous by nature, but without forgetting her maternal side. With great zeal, she takes care of all the logistics to ensure success on the trails. Born and raised in the countryside, she doesn't give up contact with nature and giving it to her children.



  • Forty-two years old;

  • Amateur runner;

  • Economist, educator and financial therapist;

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Father. In his youth he practiced mountaineering and mountain climbing in the Serra do Mar in Paraná. He was a scout in the Medianeira Scout Group in Curitiba. From an early age, he went camping with his parents in various parts of Brazil. "Wild animal".



  • Forty-nine years old;

  • Aikido black belt;

  • Auditor at the Ministry of Agriculture.

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Família na Trilha Operadora de Turismo

Rua Hermann Blumenau, 110

Florianópolis -SC


CNPJ: 40.887.710/0001-08

Selo prata no Good Travel - sustentabilidade
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+55(48) 4141-0450

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